Associate Professor Charles Brooker


A/Prof Charles Brooker is an Interventional Pain Medicine Specialist and consults at the Northern Pain Centre. He specialises in minimally invasive intervention technologies as a component of a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of persistent pain with the goal of relieving pain and improving function and quality of life.

A/Prof Brooker has over 25 years experience in Interventional Pain Medicine. He is a Visiting medical Officer at the MJC Pain Management and Research Centre at Royal North Shore Hospital. He was previously head of the department there and remains a Clinical Associate Professor at the Northern Clinical School, University of Sydney. He is a specialist in the use of spinal cord stimulation and radiofrequency procedures in the treatment of a comprehensive range of pain conditions including:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Pain after spine surgery
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)


Interventional Pain Medicine is a new and rapidly developing field and A/Prof Brooker is committed to offering patients the most up to date evidence based treatment. He is actively involved in education and clinical research and implanted the first patient in the world with the Saluda spinal cord stimulator. Link to article

As well as being chair of the examination committee of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPMANZCA) he is also an active member of the Australian Pain Society and the International Neuromodulation Society.

A/Prof Brooker has specialist qualifications in both Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia. He completed his medical degrees and internship in the United Kingdom before undertaking postgraduate anaesthesia training in Australia, obtaining Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in 1998. He underwent subspecialty training in Pain Medicine and completed a comprehensive Interventional Pain Medicine Specialist Fellowship at Royal North Shore Hospital Pain Management and Research Centre and was awarded Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine in 2000.